2024/06/25 The manuscript entitled “A decade of language
processing research: Which place for linguistic diversity?” is now
available online in Glossa Psycholinguisticshere!
2024/05/09 The manuscript entitled “It costs to exist:
Acceptability judgments of the temporal concord of the auxiliary verbs
you and hui in Taiwan Mandarin” is now available online in
Journal of Psycholinguistic Researchhere!
Upcoming presentation(s)
2024/12/19: “Grammar and time in contrast: A case for
multidisciplinary research”, invited talk (onsite and simultaneous
online option) at the Research Center for Humanities and Social
Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2025/05/12-14: “A tale of the lab and the field: An
opportunity for Formosan language research”, oral presentation at
the 5th World Congress of Taiwan Studies (Taiwan in a changing world:
Past, present, and future), Taipei, Taiwan
Short bio
This is a test to commit from RStudio.
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of
Linguistics of Academia Sinica, Taiwan. I am working on my own 2-year
project entitled “Paving the way for ‘field psycholinguistics’ of
Formosan languages: Case studies in Truku Seediq, Bunun and Tsou”, with
a grant from the Academia Sinica postdoctoral scholar program.
Previously, I worked on another 2-year postdoctoral project (2022-2024),
“On the expression of temporal reference with modal information from a
morphosyntactic and psycho-/neuro-linguistic perspective: The case of
‘you (to have) + VP’ in Taiwan Mandarin”, where I examined this
grammatical construction in the variety of Mandarin spoken in Taiwan
using a wide range of techniques: corpus-driven observations,
morphosyntactic/semantic/discursive analyses, behavioral methods
(acceptability judgments, self-paced reading), neuroimaging methods
(EEG/ERP). I graduated from the PhD program of the department of
English of National Taiwan Normal University (Linguistic track) in June
2022. During my PhD studies, I was also the manager of the
Lab of National Taiwan Normal University, where I supervized
behavioral, ERP and fMRI experiments about a great variety of
language-related topics, such as language relativity, classifier
processing or conceptual categorization.
Research interests
My research interests combine two disciplines: linguistics and cognitive
science (including language processing). My main area of research can be
summarized as follows: