* = corresponding author
Peer-reviewed articles

In Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 2024.
Collart, A.* (2024). It costs to exist: Acceptability judgments of the temporal concord of the auxiliary verbs you and hui in Taiwan Mandarin. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 53, Article 44.

In Glossa Psycholinguistics, 2024.
Collart, A.* (2024). A decade of language processing research: Which place for linguistic diversity? Glossa Psycholinguistics, 3(1). 1-37.

In Language and Cognition, 2024.
Collart, A.*, & Zeitoun, E. (2024). Past and future time reference processing teased apart in Paiwan, an endangered Formosan language. Language and Cognition, 163, 574-599.

In Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, 2022.
Collart, A.*, & Su, H.-K. (2022). Expressing the existence of an event with 'you (to have) + VP' in Taiwan Mandarin: A corpus-based investigation. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, 48(2), 249-284.

In Interpreting, 2022.
Fan, C. D., Collart, A., & Chan, S.* (2022). When two languages are competing: An ERP study on sentence processing in expert and novice interpreters. Interpreting, 24(1), 1-37.

In Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2021.
Collart, A.*, & Chan, S.* (2021). Processing past time reference in a tenseless language: An ERP study on the Mandarin aspectual morphemes -le and -guo. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 59, Article 100998.
Book chapters (peer-reviewed)

In Handbook of Formosan languages: The indigenous languages of Taiwan, 2024.
Collart, A.*, Wu, J. J., & Huang, L. M. (2024). Review of indigenous language teaching and beyond in Taiwan: The race against time. In P. Li, E. Zeitoun, & R. De Busser (Eds.), Handbook of Formosan languages: The indigenous languages of Taiwan (Brill Reference Online), Leiden: Brill.

In Handbook of Formosan languages: The indigenous languages of Taiwan, 2024.
Collart, A.* (2024). Experimental linguistics embracing linguistic diversity: On the contributions of Formosan languages to models of sentence processing. In P. Li, E. Zeitoun, & R. De Busser (Eds.), Handbook of Formosan languages: The indigenous languages of Taiwan (Brill Reference Online), Leiden: Brill.
Manuscripts in preparation
- Collart, A. (under revision). Time reference, Mandarin aspect marker -le, and the brain: A tenseless analysis.
- Collart, A. (in preparation). Linguistic diversity meeting the brain: Towards a neurotypological model of sentence processing of the expression of time. (working title)
- Collart, A., and Chan, S. (in preparation). Processing past time and aspect in the Mandarin brain: What is it all about? (Working title)
- Chan, S., Collart, A., Chang, I., and Hu, S. (in preparation). Linguistic relativity: Modulation of classifiers on object perception. (Working title)
- Su, H.-K., and Collart, A. (in preparation). Applying random forests analyses on emerging syntactic constructions: The case of 'you (to have) + VP' in Taiwan Mandarin. (working title)